別要被陽光充沛的場景或海報上那鮮豔的黃色騙倒,片中的世界dark過Tim Burton好多電影。要角統統都是losers -- 教人成功之道工作卻處處碰壁的父親、企圖在青春期全面摺埋兼玩自閉的哥哥、被學校學生摒棄而企圖自殺的舅父、為老不尊最後突然暴斃的爺爺。一家人貌合神離又針鋒相對,活得既「騎呢」又千瘡百孔,灰灰的人生像沒有明天似的。
一段漫長旅程是一次困獸鬥。一個選美會重新認識生存之道。一輛壞得連煞車也不能的小小黃巴士是各人互相扶持的溝通工具。全都象徵了後無退路的人生旅程 -- 勇往直前才有出路。誠然是一段"lost & found" 的pilgrimage。
"A real loser is someone who's so afraid of not winning, he doesn't even try." 睿智的爺爺是這樣跟妹妹Olive說的。最後Olive在台上喪跳freak dancing,輸了選美會,卻在人生舞台上成為真正的陽光小小姐。正如最後舅父淡淡的說: "I think we can live this."
學者舅父跟選擇封嘴的哥哥形容Marcel Proust的一段,是本片的最佳寫照:
"French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he's also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he uh- he gets down to the end of his life... and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered - Those were the best years of his life 'cause they made him who he was. All those years he was happy? You know, total waste."
學者舅父說的"Those are your prime suffering years. You don't get better suffering than that." 就是這種境界吧!
** 送給所有曾經suffer、正在suffer、將會suffer的人。**
o... thanks for your recommendation.. i will try to catch the dvd!! :)
In fact this movie is not a "must see in a cinema house" type, so DVD is a not bad choice indeed.
所以我說此片笑位計算準確 :)
I love this movie as well. Thanks Rabbit for writing this review.
On Proust, I have read the first volume of A La Recherche in English. Then a friend offered a collection of the whole set. But, still no time to finish them all though I know i would love them. Instead, i've seen the movie of it, almost 7 years ago, and the sensation is well captured in the movie. I can still feel it today. I tried to catch the words of Frank in Little Miss, but not complete. You are amazing, how come you managed to get them all? Anyway, thanks a lot really, to refresh those lines on Proust!
p.s. I am 100% agree with you on the translation of the title. and i have tried many time to explain the beauty of the chinese translation to many non-chinese speakers, but it's so difficult to render the sensuality of these 6 words, 追憶 逝水 and 年華.
Re quotes, here is the magic:
The IMDb site often documents a lot of terific quotes & taglines of movies.
A La Recherche是我幾年前做research時一個Prof介紹看的,那時只看了那麽的一點點(怎能一下子看完,太heavy了吧?),書中提到的巴黎處於一個不凡的年代,有很多關於Art的着墨,也有提及過"the idea of China"這回事,妳也許會有興趣。
中國人與法國人,一個東一個西,卻有很多微妙的共通處,像語言的詩意,對heritage and culture的沉溺,甚至菜餚的考究...相信還有很多,這方面要靠妳多多分享了:)
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