本片由18個 (原先不是20嗎?) arrondissement作背景編導一部約5分鐘長的短片,憑片寄意,歌頌浪漫這個 eternal theme。個人認為各片質量良莠不齊,不過大都頗有導演的影子。以下是一些印象較深的部分:
最政治正確: Gurinder Chadha的《Quais de Seine》
最言簡意賅: Walter Salles的《Loin du 16e》
故事場景再簡單不過 ── 新移民母親每天奔波於效區和巿區之間,無可奈何地將她的嬰孩交予托兒所照顧,卻為生活而作人家小孩的褓姆。同一首歌謠(好好聽*o*)、同一位母親、日與夜、兩個家。愛, 很簡單; 人生, 很荒謬。
最觸動心靈: Isabel Coixet的《Bastille》
唔……令我想起《無痛失戀》,瀕臨死亡的愛情竟有「柳暗花明又一村」的一天。 一切皆取決於一念之間。

唔……令我想起《無痛失戀》,瀕臨死亡的愛情竟有「柳暗花明又一村」的一天。 一切皆取決於一念之間。
最傷感無奈: Oliver Schmitz的《Place des Fêtes》
一段有緣無分的邂逅, 一次悲情浪漫的fatal attraction, 由黑色膚色來演繹, 一樣蕩氣迴腸。
最爛最差勁: 杜可風的《Porte de Choisy》
另外,Vincenzo Natali的《Quartier de la Madeleine》也流於陳腔濫調,畢竟疆屍愛情片大有珠玉在前之作。而且Elijah Wood太有魔戒影子,未免與巴黎的浪漫情懷格格不入。
最畫龍點睛: Alexander Payne的《14e arrondissement》
以這個「美國人在巴黎」的小故事作結幕最明智。異鄉人, 就是如此這般愛上巴黎吧^v^
Paris, c'est étrange et intime, également!
除此以外,Gus Van Sant的《Le Marais》、Wes Craven 的《Père-Lachaise》和 Tom Tykwer的《Faubourg Saint-Denis》也洋溢點點趣味。詳情不說了,反正其他人也寫過不少吧!
還有,Feist 唱的 "La même histoire" 實在悅耳。對,我們具體上都活在同一凡塵故事裡,共享別人的無奈、重覆他人所犯的錯。可是,咫尺天涯的我你他,親疏之間,總有那一點點牽繫,豐富了彼此的人生。亦正如英文版
"We're all in the dance" 的歌詞所言:
We all go round and round
Partners are lost and found
Looking for one more chance
All I know is
We're all in the dance
My favourites are Tom Tykwer's piece(the director of Le Parfum, Faubourg Saint-Denis, the love story between a young actress and a blind young boy, i've been contemplating a love story of a blind for a while, and Tykwer did it beautifully with all the most poetic dialogues. Another one is the Sylvain Chomet's La Tour Eiffel on the family of clowns, it's lovely and sweet. Gérard Depardieu's Quartier Latin about the divorce talk between an old couple in a cafe is equally witty and fresh as love story.
For the don't-likes, the worst piece is Christopher Doyle's Porte de Choisy (no need to argue, then the 2nd and 3rd worst are Vincenzo Natali Frodo's Quartier de la Madeleine about the vampire and Olivier Assayas' Quartier des Enfants Rouges about the drug dealer and actress, they are both very 無喱頭!
The worst ones really stand out ;p
I also like Tykwer's, esp with the editing & Natalie Portman's acting.
Look forward to Le Parfum...
hey i watched the film , finally...i agree with u guys , the worst one is from Mr Doyle !my personal fav is from Alexander PAYNE "14th arrondissement", about an american woman traveling in paris alone for the very first time. She used her "americano- french" to narrate her trip and feelings...its so touching..really close to my personal experiences :P really like this film and will get a dvd copy!!
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